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Monthly Archives: October 2015

3 behavioral economics principles for digital marketers

Richard Thaler describes the origins of economics, “Economic models have substituted the human being, or Homo sapiens, for “a fictional creature called Homo economicus,” or “Econ,” a perfectly rational decision maker who always optimizes.”

It should be clear that there is quite a large assumption in the basis of economic theory: it’s based on a perfectly rational decision maker who always optimizes.

So how can digital marketers use this information to convert more users?

Retailer insights from the Twitterverse at

What’s top of mind for today’s retailers? The EDQ crew is back from a trip to Philadelphia for this year’s conference, the National Retail Federation’s (NRF) event specifically for digital and multichannel retailers. The floor was busy with conversation, but so was the social sphere: the conference Twitter hashtag #shoporg15 revealed a few common themes and insights on the mind of modern digital retailers today.