Centrica also wanted to use the project to refresh its prospect database. This would support future marketing activities and ensure that the most complete and accurate prospect records are given to the sales channels, thus increasing opportunities to sell.
The project involved working with Experian Data Quality consultants to change the integration so that Centrica’s CRM system used the new QAS Pro software. The consultants also configured the software so that when people were entering contact information, it was as user friendly as possible.
After just one month, Centrica was already seeing some good results from the Experian Data Quality product. Eddie Edwards, Data Manager at Centrica, comments: “We received a lot of support from Experian Data Quality, who were always available to provide assistance and expertise.”
“Previously, missing sub-premise information had affected up to 35% of our address searches in some postcode areas. Using QAS Pro, we have seen an impressive reduction in the number of properties that our Field Sales representatives are unable to locate, due to missing subpremise information.”
“This is fantastic as it means we can more easily match customers to their MPRN number and get them signed up quicker, which has really helped to boost our customer numbers.”
There have also been significant improvements in sales exception processing and an uplift in data quality, with more accurate prospect and sales information being inputted to the marketing database. This, in turn, has increased the accuracy of Centrica’s mailings, which has resulted in fewer accounts falling into arrears and the collections process.
Having the most up-to-date software across the IT infrastructure was paramount to Centrica. Using the latest software from Experian Data Quality has enabled it to standardize processes used across the British Gas infrastructure.