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Introducing Global Intuitive address verification

For over 20 years, we at Experian Data Quality have been helping business like you succeed, by giving you confidence back in your data. Whether you’re ensuring the collection of valid addresses or looking to improve your overall user experience, our mission has, and will continue to revolve around powering business opportunities with quality data.

Consumers today are used to a certain level of ease in their online experience. In particular, they expect processes to be completed as fast as possible, in as few steps as possible.

This is a stymieing challenge to businesses who 1) Need to go through the act of collecting accurate contact data while 2) Still making sure that this traditionally lengthy data collection process is now as smooth and quick as possible.

In short, consumers expect auto-completion capabilities wherever they need to fill out forms or search boxes and you must deliver!

This is why we’re excited to announce a new addition to our address verification solution. As you look to expand your businesses within your country as well as internationally, we are expanding our capabilities to scale along with you every step of the way.

We are thrilled to roll out our new Global Intuitive address validation solution to help you do just that! Our international address verification solution will allow you to capture validated address in real time through a predictive engine.

Here are some of the benefits:  

  • Capture validated addresses from 240+ countries and territories
  • Reduce cart abandonment rates with a non-disruptive checkout process
  • Improve user experience by streamlining address capture and reducing keystrokes
  • Optimized search flows based on user input
  • Designed to be quickly and easily integrated into your solutions
  • No need to worry about the 130+ global address formats. We’ve got your back

Providing you with this new feature is a huge milestone for us. As we dive into the next frontier, look out for our data standardization and enrichment capabilities that bring the vast repository of Experian data to your fingertips.

The best businesses are already taking steps to improve their contact data quality. Be one step ahead. Learn more about how our Global Intuitive address verification solution can help you improve speed of service, better your user experience, and ensure that only valid addresses enter your database.

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